Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lightworker Story 9 — Don't Live For Someone Else. Live For the Goal That Is For You!

Q1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood? 

I don't recall any special experiences in my childhood.


Q2. What about your awakening experience, why did you want to explore the truth, and did you have any special feeling when you saw Cobra’s message. Compared with various channeled messages why do you think Cobra’s message/intel from the Resistance Movement is more trustworthy?

My awakening experience occurred after I was stuck in depression from working too hard. I have the desire to "search for the truth" since I was a child. From an early age, I loved exploring mysteries and analyzing the essence of things. This nature still remains the same. I like to read mystery novels. I was also interested in the "mysteries" scattered throughout the history of Earth. I have been strongly attracted to ancient civilizations since I was a child. I have a deep desire to look for the answers.
My exploration started from the mysteries of aliens. It was while reading these stuff on the Internet that I came across The Portal ( It was 2012 when I first came across The Portal. I have been reading The Portal since the very beginning. At first, I treated it like any other website. However, as time went byI compared its intel with other information and found out that The Portal's intel was highly credible. I used to read intel from various other sources, although curiosity got the better of me at first, I gradually lost interest. Only The Portal remained, which was dignified, unblurred, and true. Gradually, I became convinced that this was the real thing.

Q3. After your awakening, did you receive support or experience interference from your family, if it’s interference, how do you cope with it?
There was no support, interference, or obstruction from the family. I just walked alone. I think I have the support from the universe.


Q4. What types of Light work do you mostly do and from your experience, is there anything that deeply impresses you?
I have devoted myself to these questions:
How can I make The Portal's information more widely available?
How can I communicate it in a way that is easy to understand?
What are the things that deeply impressed me during this process?
I got the impression that many people are not very interested in such informationFrom my observation, the percentage of people who really want the truth is small at the moment.
Many people seem to prefer the solemn atmosphere that The Portal exudes, the constant stream of technical terms and big words. I reckon that serious Lightworkers may prefer the serious, uptight stuff. This is because I see many people do not like the way I present things.

Q5Do you have a clear understanding of your talents and energy characteristics, combined with your interest, what kind of work do you think you are suitable for, and what contribute to your happiness the most?
I believe I am suitable to interact with many people, so I can tell them what I feel. It doesn't have to be in words. I can convey what I feel through non-verbal communication as well. My happiness is to interact with strangers and to enjoy the stimulation that I experience for the first time. It is a pleasure to explore and experience new things.

Q6. Did you experience any major setback after awakening? If so, how did you overcome it and what are the reasons that made you continue to work for the Light?
I broke up with my partner. Relationships with people I thought were trustworthy broke down one after another, and I became lonely. I faced objection and denial from other people which was detrimental to my self-confidence. Every time I worked for a company, I felt that no human being could exist there. Because I did not agree with them, I was subjected to intense abuse and discredit by spreading false information. I was bereaved of my family.
How did I overcome this? How did I improve this situation? I kept asking myself the same question. Looking back, I can only say this: I did nothing special. I just kept struggling. I think that's how they “let go of their obsession”.
I kept struggling, never giving up. I let go of my obsession and continue walking this path. I didn't ignore this discomfort, but I kept looking for the breakthrough. EventuallyI met some trustworthy friends that resonate with my Soul. So I could keep working.


Q7. Have you met any soul family members and/or soulmates after awakening? If so, do you think meeting them changes you, and what have you learnt from the relationship?
have met a lot of friends and meeting them changed me. I have learned that there are people with whom I can truly communicate. Solid relationships do exist without even the slightest intervention of 3D social convention. No matter how far apart we are, no matter how long we have been apart, I am filled with a warm sense of trust and security that we are definitely connected. There is no need for personal information. The fact that it is there fills me with contentment and peace.

Q8. How do you balance your material life and spirituality, do you have any advice? 
When I started reading The Portal, I worked hard to improve the material aspect of my life. I changed my food, detergents, clothes, and other things to makepositive effect on my body and mind. Eventually, I began to focus on the spiritual side and neglected material stuff. In particular, I neglected taking care of my physical body.
At one point, I realized that I must take good care of both the physical body and the spirit. I felt that living an unbalanced life / going to extremes would hurt the overall healthThe physical body is a vessel for the Soul. So I began to care for the physical body as well.
I believe I have reached a much better balance of body and mindBut it was not enough. I realized that it was important to live out the truth of my Soul. I was trying not to see or hear what my Soul wanted. I realised that I could not raise my consciousness if I continued to do so.
I followed my Soul's desire and my life changed drastically. All kinds of amazing things started to happen. There is a sense of relief. I feel that an integrated world has emerged. Only joyful and delightful things happen.
Another important point is about the mental aspect. It's important to be open to the idea that "I don't care what people think of me!" Just being conscious of trying to hide the fact that you are a starseed causes atrophy. By trying to hide one thing, you have to hide multiple things in a chain reaction. It becomes more and more suffocating. I don't hide anything. But that doesn't mean that I openly announce everything. I don't have to go to the trouble of telling other people. But I don't mind if they find out. I believe that this state of mind is very effective in keeping the frequency of one's surroundings high.


Q9Do you think self-healing is important after awakening? Please share some lessons, feelings or short stories if you like.
I think healing is important. "Awakening" is only a starting point. Nothing has been purified yet. We have just realized that we need to purify. But we don't know what to heal.
Awakening may also mean "I'm ready to face my wounds." Big wounds, small wounds, deep wounds, hidden wounds. There are wounds that can be noticed,wounds that cannot be noticed, wounds that can be healed soon, wounds that are complex and need a lot more time to heal...There are various kinds of wounds.
You can heal the wounds by yourself or turn to a healer that you can trust. You need to use your discernment carefully so that you don't grab the wrong one.
People who cannot face their wounds are forever criticizing and attacking others, even though they call themselves Lightworkers. Their focus is on healing” not the “wound. It is important to focus on the “wound. Face the wound no matter how painful it is. The more you work on it, the more you realize that healing is happening and you are making progress.

Q10If you could share a message with everyone, what would you say?
Please weave a story in which you are the protagonist.
Please specifically envision the happy ending that the protagonist will reach.
Your life is not a plot that someone else told you to make.
Don't live for someone else.

Live for the goal that is for you.

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Lightworker Story 9 — Don't Live For Someone Else. Live For the Goal That Is For You!

Q1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood?  I don't recall any special experiences in my childhood. ⭐️ Q2. What about y...