Friday, May 31, 2024

Lightworker Story 5 — Follow the Light and Be the Light is Our Same Destination

1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood?

In my childhood, my father was quite emotional and bad-tempered so I was quite introverted and did not have many friends. I used to think about issues of life & death a lot, but could not figure out the answers. After I accidentally saw the souls of those who just passed away, I became even more interested in this topic. But my parents did not trust me so I turned to the Internet for information on mystic and extraterrestrial life, and made this a hobby.
2. What about your awakening experience, why did you want to explore the truth, and did you have any special feeling when you saw Cobra’s message. Compared with various channeled messages why do you think Cobra’s message/intel from the Resistance Movement is more trustworthy?
My awakening experience started from a heartbreak. I was sad for a long time and in order to relieve myself I searched for meditations and information about soul/higher-self on the Internet. One day I came across a post from "International Golden Age Group (IGAG)” Facebook page and felt a deep sense of recognition and understanding. That feeling is still vivid today and Cobra’s intel about the world history, current situation, and hidden truth answered my childhood doubts about this world.
3. After your awakening, did you receive support or experience interference from your family, if it’s interference, how do you cope with it?
I faced much oppression from my family, especially from my father before awakening. But after awakening they started to change. Now we respect and support each other silently. Although they can’t fully understand the intel of IGAG, I am already very content and grateful for this state.
4. What types of Light work do you mostly do and from your experience, is there anything that deeply impresses you?
I am mainly responsible for organizing a local Sisterhood of the Rose group, doing gridwork (burying cintamani stones, morganites etc) and managing groups on social media. I have learned a lot from doing gridwork and also through interaction with other Lightworkers. What impressed me the most is that one day after we completed the morganite gridwork, I looked up and saw a cloudship in the sky. I bursted into tears and cried for a few minutes. It felt like the Light forces was telling me not to worry about the future of this land anymore.
5. Do you have a clear understanding of your talents and energy characteristics, combined with your interest, what kind of work do you think you are suitable for, and what contribute to your happiness the most?
When planning and creating Light grids and doing meditation to anchor the Light, I can feel my vitality and inner Light being ignited, transforming all worries in daily life.
6. Did you experience any major setback after awakening? If so, how did you overcome it and what are the reasons that made you continue to work for the Light?
During the eight years of awakening, I have experienced betrayal of my partners and got hurt from being used and attacked by others. Many times when I felt discouraged, the situation got reversed and the problem was solved. And part of my persevence comes from the support of this invisible force.
7. Have you met any soul family members and/or soulmates after awakening? If so, do you think meeting them changes you, and what have you learnt from the relationship?
I have met some, although I can’t say for sure that they are my soul family members, but we get along quite well and can cultivate soul family friendship. Through our interaction, I understand the importance of mutual understanding and support. I also learned that everyone has his/her own difficulties and this enhances my motivation to liberate the planet.
8. How do you balance your material life and spirituality, do you have any advice?
I’ve learned that before helping others, we must balance and enrich ourselves first so that we have more resources and energy to support others. This is the basic thing.

9. Do you think self-healing is important after awakening? Please share some lessons, feelings or short stories if you like.

Healing is very important because when our body and mind are in a healthy state, the Light we anchor is purer. Healing and transformation can also help you create a positive cycle in life. You can go into nature to ground yourself, and soak in sea water often. Releasing repressed emotions is also a good way to heal.
10. If you could share a message with everyone, what would you say?
Victory of the Light! Choose the Light and be the Light is our same destination, so let’s keep this Light!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Lightworker Story 4 — Gather the Strength of Members in Physical Meetings, We Are One

In the past seven years, we have held nearly 300 SOTR physical gatherings. If there is no SOTR group in your local area, we encourage you to form one and stick to this mission. In order to anchor Goddess energy, it is important to gather the strength of team members in weekly physical meetings. You can find more information on the website of SOTR planetary network:

1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood? 

When I was about one year old, I felt that the world was strange, and it was strange to see that my parents needed to open their mouth to speak, and they needed to eat. When I was six years old, I dreamed about my past life for the first time. In that dream, I was a European woman brushing hair in front of a mirror. I looked into the mirror and thought “who is she”? Suddenly I realized that it was myself, and I woke up in shock. I also like mirrors when I grow up, because mirrors can convey information across time and space, and mirrors are both entrances and exits.


2. What about your awakening experience, why did you want to explore the truth, and did you have any special feeling when you saw Cobra’s message. Compared with various channeled messages why do you think Cobra’s message/intel from the Resistance Movement is more trustworthy?

In February 2016, I dreamed about flying out of the Earth during a nap. I saw the moon and other planets, which shocked me again. From that day on, I continued to have dreams of aliens, ufos, white dragons, angels, dolphins, galactic wars etc...All these things led me to explore spirituality. In 2018, I came across Cobra’s message for the first time, it was exactly what I was looking for because it precisely matched what I saw in my dreams.


3. After your awakening, did you receive support or experience interference from your family, if it’s interference, how do you cope with it?

I have not experienced interference from my family, because I have been good to them, so my family members trust me and give me a lot of freedom to do what I want.


4. What types of Light work do you mostly do and from your experience, is there anything that deeply impresses you?

My work include organising a local Sisterhood of the Rose (SOTR) group, sharing truth, burying cintamani stones and building Goddess temple. Throughout these years, two things impressed me the most. Firstly, I dreamed of being on the mothership of Ashtar Command after the first SOTR gathering, and secondly, I dreamed of Goddess Isis after the second SOTR gathering.


5. Do you have a clear understanding of your talents and energy characteristics, combined with your interest, what kind of work do you think you are suitable for, and what contribute to your happiness the most?

My energy is Goddess energy and my talent is organizing activities. I am very happy to get together with soul family members and to work for the Light together.


6. Did you experience any major setback after awakening? If so, how did you overcome it and what are the reasons that made you continue to work for the Light?

I have not experienced major setbacks after awakening. I have been relatively lucky and realised many of my dreams, so everything goes rather smoothly. The only interference now is the difficulty I encounter when sharing truth in my country.


7. Have you met any soul family members and/or soulmates after awakening? If so, do you think meeting them changes you, and what have you learnt from the relationship?

I was lucky enough to organise the local Sisterhood of the Rose activities soon after my awakening. As a result of this, I am able to meet many soul family members. Through the interaction with soul family members I can see my shortcomings more clearly and transform them. And meeting a soulmate is like looking right into a mirror, enabling me to see my shadows more directly so that I can learn to transform them.


8. How do you balance your material life and spirituality, do you have any advice? 

I set three goals for myself since the day of awakening: 1. Establish a local SOTR group, 2. Share truth and 3. Purchase gold and/or silver on a monthly basis. Since we are still living in the physical world, money is very important to us, and we need to balance it well. You can find out more about your interests, learn more about yourself, then perhaps you can turn your hobbies into a career.


9. Do you think self-healing is important after awakening? Please share some lessons, feelings or short stories if you like.

Healing is very important. You can take some time to meditate each day, go into the nature, go see some flowers, climb mountains, go near the water, feel the wind, feel the nature, feel the soil. Don’t focus on the cell phone too much and do not social only on your phone. Go meet some like-minded people in real life is also good for you to learn and heal.


10. If you could share a message with everyone, what would you say? 

An' Ye Harm None, Do What Ye WillThat which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below to do ye miracles of one only thingWe are ONE.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Lightworker Story 3 — Don’t Forget Your Own Strength And Don’t Forget to Ask For Help

1.Did you have any special experiences in your childhood? 

Not many, but there is one thing I remember when I was in primary school. During a foreign language class the teacher asked each of us to pick a word card from her. The word was then used to describe the person who picked it. And I picked “great”. Now I understand its meaning - every starseed who volunteered to come here is great.


2.What about your awakening experience, why did you want to explore the truth, and did you have any special feeling when you saw Cobra’s message. Compared with various channeled messages why do you think Cobra’s message/intel from the Resistance Movement is more trustworthy?

My awakening started from 2012. When I was in high school I came across the book of Krishnamurti because I was interested in philosophy. Later I came across various topics on the Internet and then gradually linked them up. From aliens to conspiracy theories to spirituality, when I followed my interest and inner guidance, I finally saw Cobra’s message. Then I suddenly realized that what I had read before was all stepping stones leading me to the most reliable source of intel.

Since I am a logical person with good intuition, if one thing does not make sense logically and I don’t resonate with it intuitively, I won’t believe it. However, you can see such information scattering all over the Internet. Cobra information/ intel from the Resistance Movement is relatively clear and reasonable. If you really study it carefully, you will agree because it makes sense. It is very different from false channeled message which can be hollow and absurd.


3. After your awakening, did you receive support or experience interference from your family, if it’s interference, how do you cope with it?

Not much interference, just something most of us experienced - people talking about you behind your back and thinking what you say is unrealistic.


4. What types of Light work do you mostly do and from your experience, is there anything that deeply impresses you?

As a result of the combination of my astrological chart and inner guidance, I choose to share the truth. I follow my inner guidance and the information I share resonates with many people. It helps broaden their horizons and sometimes there's feedback of synchronicity. Gridwork also left me a deep impression. After burying cintamani stone with my college mate, I dreamed of seeing more than 10 cloud ships in the sky outside of the classroom.


5. Do you have a clear understanding of your talents and energy characteristics, combined with your interest, what kind of work do you think you are suitable for, and what contribute to your happiness the most?

Generally I am good at collecting, integrating and sharing information. I love to organize information in my own way and inspire others. This gives me inner strength and a sense of purpose, a sense of satisfaction. I love using the power of words to inspire others, even if it's just one sentence. Of course, I also feel that many awakened people, including myself, have not fully realized their potential. For example, I think I have many facets, I am not only a Light warrior, I also have the ability to heal others, which needs to be explored in the future.


6. Did you experience any major setback after awakening? If so, how did you overcome it and what are the reasons that made you continue to work for the Light?

The day-to-day monotonous life and dreary situation during the epidemic lockdown made people feel lonely and depressed, and people felt energy attack. I think the Light forces were also trying to restore the Light grid at that time. Generally I continue to work for the Light because I am a determined person and I won’t give up easily. I feel that many starseeds who belong to the 144,000 have a strong character and do not give up easily.


7. Have you met any soul family members and/or soulmates after awakening? If so, do you think meeting them changes you, and what have you learnt from the relationship?

Yes. This is a vital part of the whole journey, because your soul family will give you the kind of support that others can’t. And many of them have wonderful qualities that will make you feel a rare sense of healing, as a result you will have more Goddess energy and your inner child can be healed to some degree. Of course, there are twists and turns in this process, and I realize that people have to work on themselves and live out their soul qualities. In addition, I realize that the guidance of the Higher Self is always there, and you need to interpret the synchronic messages of the universe between the lines of your life. The Higher Self of your soul family members will bring about a feeling of familiarity and beauty, and this experience sometimes can be expressed in dreams.


8. How do you balance your material life and spirituality, do you have any advice? 

Basically I think people have to get material things according to their own needs, and then take some time to learn about spirituality on a daily basis. It is recommended that you take some time to meditate each day, because it will help balance your life. The state of mind after meditation can help you better understand the situation you are in and how to cope with it.


9. Do you think self-healing is important after awakening? Please share some lessons, feelings or short stories if you like.

Healing is very important. We have to turn what we know into what we think, what we speak and what we do. Awakening of the mind is not enough, there needs to be a real change in consciousness. The outdated beliefs and habits must be cleared. If people are serious about changing their lives, my experience is that they have to make a decision both internally and externally. For example, you can improve your inner state by doing meditation with visualization or Vipassana Meditation.Externally, you can improve your living habits - exercising, diet, social habits etc to cultivate a better personality.


10. If you could share a message with everyone, what would you say? 

I would say, tables always turn. Everything is constantly changing, nothing stays the same. Believe in the power of the new cosmic cycle, the victory of the Light is certain. All darkness will fade away. The divine grace that we all deserve will arrive.

In my view, there are two ways to look at this world. The first one is to live in the mind, easily get distracted and get stuck in the outside world. The other one is to live in the heart and have a firm connection with your Soul/I AM Presence.

Don’t forget your own strength, and don’t forget to ask for help in case of need, these two are not contradictory. After all, all positive things come from the Source/I AM Presence, whether you get it by yourself or get it from others. So let the Source, let the higher powers make the decision that will help yourself and many others, so that we can truly improve the lives of all and accelerate the final liberation.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Lightworker Story 2 — Share Our Passions and Love for Life in Everything We Do

The photos provided by this Lightworker were taken after the completion of energy work. 

1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood? 

As a child, I remember being connected to nature. More specifically, the energies of wind. I would sing and enjoy the wonderful feelings of this special energy.


2. What about your awakening experience, why did you want to explore the truth, and did you have any special feeling when you saw Cobra’s message. Compared with various channeled messages why do you think Cobra’s message/intel from the Resistance Movement is more trustworthy?

I was raised in a loving but strict Christian home. As a teenager, I decided that organized religion was not for me and my decision was supported by my family.

After finishing school, I worked a corporate job which I was fortunate to have a wonderful mentor. She had strong loving Goddess energies and even though I did not fully realize it at the time, she was one of the catalysts of my awakening.

I started reading books on spirituality and related subjects. Ironically, TV was where I started hearing about extraterrestrial beings and their contact with Earth humans since the origins of Earth. I also had an innate dislike to politics and I started watching videos of whistleblowers and exopolitics. I have a strong inner guidance, (although not without many missteps). I started to trust my inner knowing on these new subjects and knew that I was going in the right direction with my research.

This led me to the 2012 Portal Blog and Cobra. The intel, meditations and spiritual topics shared on his blog made sense in a way that not many else ever did. I trusted my inner guidance even though some of the information shook me to my core.

I continued to seek out other intel to compare to and continued to do a lot of research. It really was the connection to wonderful, loving and like-minded people (soul family) who shared their insights and started other related blogs and groups for meditations, WLMM, SOTR and PFC. For me, it is the combination of the Cobra/RM intel with these other related groups and the relationships I have formed that helped to create a solid foundation for me. Also, the deep spiritual connections with our star families and the ascended beings. Guidance continues to be shown in ways which we can further our souls evolution that had not been previously known to me but I knew deep within that I was and I am right where I needed to be both physically and spiritually.


3. After your awakening, did you receive support or experience interference from your family, if it’s interference, how do you cope with it?

I am greatly blessed with a loving and supportive family. It has been exciting to see their own awakening and watch as they connect with their inner guidance. When we discuss topics such as extraterrestrials, the coming Earth and societal changes and our liberation, we respect one another even if we have different viewpoints. We interact as sovereign beings. Free to find our own truths.


4. What types of Light work do you mostly do and from your experience, is there anything that deeply impresses you?

In this lifetime, I had physical limitations which prevented me from traveling and most physical work. As my condition had already been present when I awakened, physical light work was unfortunately not possible. So, I volunteered for Sisterhood of the Rose and Lightworker groups on social media and continue to offer support in any way I can. Also, energetically supporting Lightworker groups for Cintamani and grid work missions.


5. Do you have a clear understanding of your talents and energy characteristics, combined with your interest, what kind of work do you think you are suitable for, and what contribute to your happiness the most?

In my past, I have assisted groups with guidance to create harmonious and effective projects and I feel that this is an aspect of my soul’s journey currently and for the future. Offering assistance where needed brings me joy and fulfillment whether it is one person or many. I also would love to assist in the creation of gardens and sustainable ways to live more lovingly on Earth and to learn from and contribute to our soul/star families on other planets.


6. Did you experience any major setback after awakening? If so, how did you overcome it and what are the reasons that made you continue to work for the Light?

Not realizing until later in my awakening that Earth and all living beings here are living in a matrix and dealing with malevolent beings, negative energies can create times of despair for me. It is during these times that I go within to my higher self and my I AM presence. Connecting with my spiritual family and those I trust for support. I have a strong faith that even though we are being kept from knowing our full reality and face suppressions, we are not alone. We are united with the Light and the many beings who choose to follow the Light. Faith and all of our combined, mutual convictions are what will see us through to our liberation.


7. Have you met any soul family members and/or soulmates after awakening? If so, do you think meeting them changes you, and what have you learnt from the relationship?

After meeting several Lightworkers and forming relationships where I live in California, I have experienced how these loving connections will evolve after the breakthrough and how many more soul family members we will soon connect with. 

Since we are all still influenced by the negative energies and surviving life on Earth, it can affect how we interact with one another and in sharing our talents in Lightworker groups. Reminding ourselves of the joy and love of our mutual desires to serve the Light, and in having compassion for one another will I feel, prepare us for meeting and interacting with soul family members.


8. How do you balance your material life and spirituality, do you have any advice? 

I feel that Gaia is abundant with many resources that have been taken for granted and suppressed. We have been made to feel that we must work hard and not expect too much. We can manifest what we require as long as it is in balance with our higher purpose and does not seek to possess material goods at the expense of others. Manifesting and balancing a healthy material life centered in spirituality, is a practice I feel we will continue to learn and grow upon.


9. Do you think self-healing is important after awakening? Please share some lessons, feelings or short stories if you like.

Self-healing is important. Knowing and trusting our higher guidance to utilize healing techniques that suit us. Meditations, invocations and being in nature are the tools which work best for me.


10. If you could share a message with everyone, what would you say? 

To have faith in ourselves, our guides and the divine plan despite the daily pressures and distractions. And to love. Sharing our passions and love for life in everything we do. This is what matters most to me and I feel that we can agree on to assist in our liberation and in creating the Golden Age.


Friday, May 17, 2024

Lightworker Story 1 — Never Put Out Your Inner Fire!


1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood? 

I don’t have many special experiences in my childhood. I just felt that this world was not very normal since primary school, and many things felt strange and unreasonable, but I couldn’t figure out the reason. When I was in primary school, I liked to read magazines and books titled "Mystery", "The World's Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries" and "Exploring the Unsolved Mysteries of Mankind". I grew up thinking that other civilizations had appeared on Earth before us, and aliens definitely exist.


2. What about your awakening experience, why did you want to explore the truth, and did you have any special feeling when you saw Cobra’s message. Compared with various channeled messages why do you think Cobra’s message/intel from the Resistance Movement is more trustworthy?

I was very interested in the Mayan calendar in the 2009 disaster film "2012". As mentioned above, I was highly interested in these things since I was a kid, and I have been looking for such content most of the time. Therefore when I heard about the magical Mayan calendar, I searched for relevant content on the Internet. And in the course of searching, I came across many channeled messages and disclosure articles, such as Project Camelot Series, David Wilcock's videos, and David Icke's videos.

At that time, I did not know that channeled messages have problems, I just wanted to read messages that are from aliens. At that time, there were a lot of channeled messages everyday, and it was impossible to read them all. I was eager to find out questions such as where we came from, what is our future, will the whole social system change, and how long can we get there.

I accidentally saw one of Cobra’s posts in the middle of 2012. At that time I felt that the articles in this blog were very different from channeled messages, it was full of real content, without empty words, and I felt that this was the answer.


3. After your awakening, did you receive support or experience interference from your family, if it’s interference, how do you cope with it?

After my awakening, I faced objection from my family. Due to different views, there were many arguments, and I even wanted to divorce. Later, as we are both tired, we simply ignored all the arguments. I started to devote all my spare time to organise and edit articles on social media to divert my attention.


4. What types of Light work do you mostly do and from your experience, is there anything that deeply impresses you?

What I mostly do is sharing the truth, backing up and sharing the Chinese version of Cobra’s messages, interview transcripts, conference notes, meditation audios, meditation videos and other related videos mentioned in the intel. The most profound impression is that the more truthful the knowledge is, the greater resistance we may face to share it to the public.


5. Do you have a clear understanding of your talents and energy characteristics, combined with your interest, what kind of work do you think you are suitable for, and what contribute to your happiness the most?

Healing, tolerance, patience are my traits. I think the best job for me is file keeper. And my happiness comes from helping others.


6. Did you experience any major setback after awakening? If so, how did you overcome it and what are the reasons that made you continue to work for the Light?

The major setback is the suspension of my three accounts which were used to spread the truth of Light. I firmly believe that the Event will happen and the Light will triumph over evil.


7. Have you met any soul family members and/or soulmates after awakening? If so, do you think meeting them changes you, and what have you learnt from the relationship?

Yes, we need to tolerate and understand each other. If your wounds are not healed much, it can be hard to get along with your soulmate, and "unconditional love" needs to be present throughout the relationship.


8. How do you balance your material life and spirituality, do you have any advice? 

Having a stable material life is a necessary condition for spiritual growth. A stable material life is also a necessary basis for sharing the truth on a continuous basis. You can go for a walk in a park everyday, breathe in fresh air and develop good living habits. Having a healthy body helps you work better. When you are tired, you can listen to music, watch movies, go out to see the beautiful scenery, live a balanced life.


9. Do you think self-healing is important after awakening? Please share some lessons, feelings or short stories if you like.

Healing is important. Have more self examination, learn to see things from other's perspective, participate in the monthly remote healing is also beneficial.


10. If you could share a message with everyone, what would you say? 

Never put out your inner fire!!!

The Lightworker Story Series

Dear friends,

Greetings! 🌹 I started this blog to share stories of awakened Lightworkers who are also actively involved in various Light work.

Although they come from different background all over the world, there is one thing in common — they resonate with COBRA info / the intel from the Resistance Movement ( and they all want to contribute to the liberation of this planet.

I invited them to share their stories because real people, real experiences and real feelings are very inspiring and convincingPeople resonate with real stuff. So I have listed below questions for them to take into consideration, and they can also share according to their own idea.




1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood? 


2. What about your awakening experience, why did you want to explore the truth, and did you have any special feeling when you saw Cobramessage. Compared with various channeled messages why do you think Cobras message/intel from the Resistance Movement is more trustworthy?


3. After your awakening, did you receive support or experience interference from your family, if its interference, how do you cope with it?


4. What types of Light work do you mostly do and from your experience, is there anything that deeply impresses you?


5, Do you have a clear understanding of your talents and energy characteristics, combined with your interest, what kind of work do you think you are suitable for, and what contribute to your happiness the most?


6. Did you experience any major setback after awakening? If so, how did you overcome it and what are the reasons that made you continue to work for the Light?


7. Have you met any soul family members and/or soulmates after awakening? If so, do you think meeting them changes you, and what have you learnt from the relationship?


8, How do you balance your material life and spiritualitydo you have any advice? 

9, Do you think self-healing is important after awakening? Please share some lessons, feelings or short stories if you like.


10, If you could share a message with everyone, what would you say? 


For those who accidentally come across this blog, I am glad that you are here, and I hope it helps!

Thank you for reading and victory of the Light!

Lightworker Story 9 — Don't Live For Someone Else. Live For the Goal That Is For You!

Q1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood?  I don't recall any special experiences in my childhood. ⭐️ Q2. What about y...