Friday, May 31, 2024

Lightworker Story 5 — Follow the Light and Be the Light is Our Same Destination

1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood?

In my childhood, my father was quite emotional and bad-tempered so I was quite introverted and did not have many friends. I used to think about issues of life & death a lot, but could not figure out the answers. After I accidentally saw the souls of those who just passed away, I became even more interested in this topic. But my parents did not trust me so I turned to the Internet for information on mystic and extraterrestrial life, and made this a hobby.
2. What about your awakening experience, why did you want to explore the truth, and did you have any special feeling when you saw Cobra’s message. Compared with various channeled messages why do you think Cobra’s message/intel from the Resistance Movement is more trustworthy?
My awakening experience started from a heartbreak. I was sad for a long time and in order to relieve myself I searched for meditations and information about soul/higher-self on the Internet. One day I came across a post from "International Golden Age Group (IGAG)” Facebook page and felt a deep sense of recognition and understanding. That feeling is still vivid today and Cobra’s intel about the world history, current situation, and hidden truth answered my childhood doubts about this world.
3. After your awakening, did you receive support or experience interference from your family, if it’s interference, how do you cope with it?
I faced much oppression from my family, especially from my father before awakening. But after awakening they started to change. Now we respect and support each other silently. Although they can’t fully understand the intel of IGAG, I am already very content and grateful for this state.
4. What types of Light work do you mostly do and from your experience, is there anything that deeply impresses you?
I am mainly responsible for organizing a local Sisterhood of the Rose group, doing gridwork (burying cintamani stones, morganites etc) and managing groups on social media. I have learned a lot from doing gridwork and also through interaction with other Lightworkers. What impressed me the most is that one day after we completed the morganite gridwork, I looked up and saw a cloudship in the sky. I bursted into tears and cried for a few minutes. It felt like the Light forces was telling me not to worry about the future of this land anymore.
5. Do you have a clear understanding of your talents and energy characteristics, combined with your interest, what kind of work do you think you are suitable for, and what contribute to your happiness the most?
When planning and creating Light grids and doing meditation to anchor the Light, I can feel my vitality and inner Light being ignited, transforming all worries in daily life.
6. Did you experience any major setback after awakening? If so, how did you overcome it and what are the reasons that made you continue to work for the Light?
During the eight years of awakening, I have experienced betrayal of my partners and got hurt from being used and attacked by others. Many times when I felt discouraged, the situation got reversed and the problem was solved. And part of my persevence comes from the support of this invisible force.
7. Have you met any soul family members and/or soulmates after awakening? If so, do you think meeting them changes you, and what have you learnt from the relationship?
I have met some, although I can’t say for sure that they are my soul family members, but we get along quite well and can cultivate soul family friendship. Through our interaction, I understand the importance of mutual understanding and support. I also learned that everyone has his/her own difficulties and this enhances my motivation to liberate the planet.
8. How do you balance your material life and spirituality, do you have any advice?
I’ve learned that before helping others, we must balance and enrich ourselves first so that we have more resources and energy to support others. This is the basic thing.

9. Do you think self-healing is important after awakening? Please share some lessons, feelings or short stories if you like.

Healing is very important because when our body and mind are in a healthy state, the Light we anchor is purer. Healing and transformation can also help you create a positive cycle in life. You can go into nature to ground yourself, and soak in sea water often. Releasing repressed emotions is also a good way to heal.
10. If you could share a message with everyone, what would you say?
Victory of the Light! Choose the Light and be the Light is our same destination, so let’s keep this Light!

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Q1. Did you have any special experiences in your childhood?  I don't recall any special experiences in my childhood. ⭐️ Q2. What about y...