Saturday, June 15, 2024

Lightworker Story 6 — Let’s Appreciate the Beautiful Little Things Around Us

1.Did you have any special experiences in your childhood?

I could feel strange things when I was very young. When I was 12, I moved to another place and since then I was able to see female ghosts in various forms almost every night until I went to college. As I grow older, I seem to have the ability to predict the death of those around me in advance, I can really feel the fear of death before my relatives pass away.


2.What about your awakening experience, why did you want to explore the truth, and did you have any special feeling when you saw Cobra’s message. Compared with various channeled messages why do you think Cobra’s message/intel from the Resistance Movement is more trustworthy?

My awakening experience is simple. Although I had all these special experiences in my childhood, I was not aware of the aliens until 2016. One night, I watched a documentary called Ancient Aliens on TV with my dad. That documentary discussed things like the existence of aliens, the pyramids, the Bermuda Triangle, the Mayan civilization etc. I was deeply attracted and started to show interest in alien civilizations.

Then since high school I have read various books on aliens, including People From Inner Earth, UFO Contact, the Seventh Day and so on. Since I did not have enough discernment at that time, I read both false and real alien information, I have read almost all books on this topic. They are both a mixture of truth and false information until I came across intel from COBRA / the Resistance Movement.

COBRA’s intel is the most accurate intel I have found so far. He is not asking you to blindly follow him, he just keeps you updated of the latest progress, hoping to co-create a better reality for this planet with you. I think it is a very sincere way of sharing, because he does not ask you to surrender, instead he tells you that we need to work together. Each of us has a part to play in working towards planetary liberation. Besides, he is very methodical and systematic in explaining how planet Earth got to where it is today.

COBRA’s intel covers many areas – cosmos, spirituality, meditation, ascension, disclosure, layers and control mechanisms of the dark forces etc. I cannot guarantee that everything he says is 100% correct, but I think at least he genuinely wants to help us because we all deserve a better future. I deeply understand that the world is full of lies and deception, but we still have to face everything with a sincere heart. And meditation is a very useful tool. It really helps and everyone can benefit from doing meditations.


3.After your awakening, did you receive support or experience interference from your family, if it’s interference, how do you cope with it?

I grow up in a problematic family and developed an introverted personality. My parents are always fighting and my relatives are not friendly to deal with. When I was young I kept telling my parents that there were aliens on Earth, but they thought I was sick. So I have to hide behind their back to do meditations everytime to avoid quarrel.

As I grow a bit older, I attended COBRA’s ascension conferences in Taiwan, Thailand, and Japan with a low-profile. I also work hard to save money and avoid being discovered by my parents. Although my family is a big obstable, I continue to work for the Light because I am a very determined person. Once I make up my mind, I will continue no matter what. So even after our local meditation group was discovered by the police, we kept going. Despite the questioning from my parents, I didn't back down.


4. What types of Light work do you mostly do and from your experience, is there anything that deeply impresses you?

After awakening I participated in two teams doing media-related work, including sharing spiritual knowledge as a DJ, making pictures, editing articles, translating audios, adding video subtitles and so on. I also translated articles and added subtitles for some spiritual bloggers.

Later, I went on the journey for burying cintamani stones and morganites all over the world. I have been to nearly 40 cities and buried almost 200 stones in two years. It was a very long experience with numerous setbacks and I will talk about this experience later if I have the opportunity.


5. Do you have a clear understanding of your talents and energy characteristics, combined with your interest, what kind of work do you think you are suitable for, and what contribute to your happiness the most?

According to my astrological chart, I am good at healing. In the future, I would like to work in the field of artistic healing, partly out of interest and partly because I am quite patient and love to help others. I reckon my happiness comes from being alone. Being in the nature, enjoying raining and thundering brings joy and comfort into my life. In addition, the state of mind after meditation also brings me much comfort and peace.


6. Did you experience any major setback after awakening? If so, how did you overcome it and what are the reasons that made you continue to work for the Light?

I haven't experienced major setbacks, but I find it easy to fall into a state of deep sleep after awakening. I need to constantly remind myself that I am just experiencing a life. This feeling of being in two different worlds - spiritual and physical, once made me feel painful, because I am born in a very ordinary family and I still need to earn money in order to survive in this world. I have social responsibilities so I can't live as a hermit. The people I deal with are not always nice and friendly, they make me confused but I have to learn to face these situations.

Talking about the strength that supports me, it comes from one of my dreams when I was 17 years old. I dreamed of myself as a very large angel with wings. In that dream, my name was Adam and I came from the Source, I felt myself as part of the Source.


7. Have you met any soul family members and/or soulmates after awakening? If so, do you think meeting them changes you, and what have you learnt from the relationship?

I choose not to define anyone as my soul family member too easily. Having said that, I have met many like-minded Lightworkers since awakening. We have had similar experiences and later co-created a SOTR group for weekly meeting and meditations. After that, everytime I start questioning this world, I will think of them. They are now part of my life and also part of my growing experience.


8. How do you balance your material life and spirituality, do you have any advice?

Now that I'm 24 years old, I need to make plans for material life. Without support from my family, I have to earn money, get a degree, find a job. I also have other relatives to support besides my parents. This is actually a very painful thing for me. While I yearn to live like a hermit, in reality I have to earn my living in the city. I noticed that some Lightworkers simply quit their jobs, live on debts, escape from all worldly things and wait for the Event. However, there are still things that we need to be responsible for, so we need to be more grounded.

When I choose to take responsibilities rather than avoiding them, I am no longer anxious. Although pain and sufferings are not necessary, when there is no way to escape the pain, we have to face it with courage. The attitude you choose to face problems will affect whether you will encounter similar problems in the future, it will affect your personal timeline.


9. Do you think self-healing is important after awakening? Please share some lessons, feelings or short stories if you like.

Healing is a very important part of self-improvement and personal growth. Healing helps us release emotional baggage from the past, clear negative beliefs/thought patterns and heal our inner wounds, so that we can live a more positive and healthy life. The first step is to be aware, recognize your emotional and mental state. Accept your emotions, positive or negative, feel those emotions and let them go. I usually heal myself through journaling and creating art. Through the healing process, we can learn more about ourselves, improve the sense of self-worth, find our life purpose and new direction.


10. If you could share a message with everyone, what would you say?

Dear friends, every day is unique. Our minds are filled with so many things: achievements, career, job, financials etc. Let’s pay attention to the beautiful little things around us. The stones and plants beneath us are beautiful, appreciate them more.

Love is the law of this universe. It is the basic element that makes up all beautiful things in the universe. Feel the love, embrace the love and evolve spirtually. Learn to transform negative things into positive things.

Victory of the Light!

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